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Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
Climbing II

Climbing II

"Give yourself physical challenges and they will create mental breakthroughs!" 

Last week we introduced MG’s latest “challenge and change” experiment, merging the metaphorical and literal concepts of climbing and understanding the endurance and strength that climbing brings.

In this episode, we recap his adventures conquering the R2R2R Challenge from June 30-July 1, sharing lessons learned along with a few tales from this experience alongside a group of Ironman/entrepreneurs.

Concepts from The Pressure Paradox dominated this challenge, highlighting the importance of the 3 P’s: Plan, Prepare and Practice. After all, the higher the stakes, the greater the importance of planning, preparing and practicing -- and these stakes were high!

Except sometimes we throw ourselves a curveball during a challenge: MG never foresaw the possibility that he’d be trail running at least the first half of each day, but that’s exactly what he decided to do when a small fraction of the group took off at 4:45 a.m. in the early dawn — the goal was to get through the valley of the Grand Canyon as quickly as possible and beat the heat

It was a gamble that paid off on day one: 25-plus miles of running/hiking, and a quick 9 hours later the South-to-North Rim was finished! Unfortunately, that same gamble on day two didn’t yield the same dividends: With about 12 miles left, two massive blisters formed on each of the balls of his feet.

Among the incredible individuals he shared this trail-running experience with was author and elite, competitive Ironman Shay Eskew. While the entire group was a great inspiration to MG, Shay’s story was profoundly transformative, overcoming unimaginable tragedy to create a life lived to the fullest. (Check out his book, “What the Fire Ignited,” and stay tuned for a future H2G interview in Season 6!)

Finally, another reminder from The Pressure Paradox: For us to experience our own mental and physical breakthroughs, we almost always must pass through our own sort of “Crucible," which, interestingly, is exactly the formula the Marines use to transform recruits into MARINES! (Note: Actual mileage Marines hike during this challenge is 54, not 25.)

Listen in to hear more about the R2R2R challenge and the importance of consistently setting physical challenges that push your limits -- ones that are sure to create mental breakthroughs.

Enjoy the episode! 


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Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
If you’ve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element— habit!
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Martin Grunburg