“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.
After hearing a Gooroo caution his students, “When it comes to relationships, you must be very careful; relationships are dynamic.”
I thought to myself. “That is kind of “funny.”
Last time I checked, LIFE IS DYNAMIC.
Thus, what got us “here” might not necessarily get us “there.”
Deepak Chopra put it like this
“The world is not a static place. It is constantly changing and evolving. To live a fulfilling life, we must embrace this dynamism and be willing to adapt to change.”
Such an observation underscores the importance of setting worthwhile goals and ideals; the type that helps us to transform.
We covered this in a prior episode, “Two Types of Goals.”
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” ~Peter Drucker
It’s the dynamism of life that forces us to keep upgrading our skills and habits to evolve —to keep up with the pace of change.
Even better, the pursuit of worthwhile goals and ideals allows us to direct change. (Peter’s point above.)
It’s hardly just relationships that are dynamic.
Thus, we should perpetually ask, “What new habits and skills should I be cultivating, now?”
Some cynics may say. “My results are great — I’m good. I don’t need to change.”
It’s worth considering that today’s solution may not be a fit in the ever-changing jigsaw puzzle that is tomorrow.
Enjoy the show!
Our next 28-DAY BREAKTHROUGH program begins… 10/3/23!
More info here: The 28-Day Breakthrough!
*Recently Awarded: “Finalist: Self-help, Motivation”
International Book Awards: EVERYTHING is a F*cking STORY.
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Feedspot’s “Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021”
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