Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
S02-INT01: R. Michael Anderson: Happiness, JOY and the Journey

S02-INT01: R. Michael Anderson: Happiness, JOY and the Journey

“I joke often that I know a lot about happiness because I've experienced a lot of unhappiness first."  ~R. Michael AndersonBestselling Author. Speaker. Founder of Executive Joy.• We teach competitive driven people how to lead happier lives • "Things" looked great from the outside: Partying at the Playboy mansion, etc., but missing meaning and fulfillment• Michael opens up about his personal journey where competitive drive and winning doesn't always equate to personal satisfaction• GTR: Share inspiring story about sponsoring young lady from orphanage - a recent visit to celebrate high school graduation• Touches on a story of GRIT and perseverance• Avoiding "victim" mindset• The path to learning about joy and happiness• His massive TURNING point! - • A few tips and tools to experience happiness and joy DAILY

“Leaders tend to give so much to other people yet often have chaotic inner lives”  ~R. Michael Anderson

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Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
If you’ve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element— habit!
That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!
There’s a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhD’s and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.
Learn The Habit Factor's method for goal achievement and how to use Habit Alignment Technology™ to achieve your most important goals faster than you ever thought possible!
Learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.com
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Martin Grunburg