Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
S4-18: Your Biggest Limiter?

S4-18: Your Biggest Limiter?

Chances are good that you are exactly where you are because that is where you want to be..."

Quick question: "What do you think is your biggest limiter as you strive to be more successful?"

If "all learning is remembering" (Plato) than the listener is guided back to a prior episode, "Learning Mastery".

While cleaning his garage, MG ran across one of his favorite old books and is struck by a particular passage within the personal development classic, The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David J. Schwartz)

Here's the passage:

"Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches or pounds or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking. How big we think determines the size of our accomplishments."  ~David J. Schwartz

So, how BIG are you thinking these days?

The size of your thinking (and related belief) must be the over-arching limiter. Consider how difficult it is for your achievements to outgrow your thinking! Your vision and what you believe you are capable of must be the foundation upon which your achievements grow.

Enjoy the episode!

**NEW** Ask MG your BIG question WITHIN A REVIEW ON iTunes... Chances are good it'll be answered on a forthcoming episode!

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The Magic of Thinking BIG!

Eric Berman Episode (100% Responsibility!)

Thanks for your help in selecting our Season IV Cover art!

The New HabitXP Planner!

OTHER BOOKS/Resources:

The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)

Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)


Enjoy and share! Thank you!


Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
If you’ve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element— habit!
That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!
There’s a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhD’s and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.
Learn The Habit Factor's method for goal achievement and how to use Habit Alignment Technologyâ„¢ to achieve your most important goals faster than you ever thought possible!
Learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.com
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