Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
S4: 25: Comfort Whore?

S4: 25: Comfort Whore?

“No man is free who cannot command himself.” ~ Epictetus

“Through discipline comes freedom.” ~ Aristotle

Today's Mind-Bullet Monday is a little risqué -- and risky: You may know someone who is a comfort whore... perhaps, intimately! (Google at your own risk!)

Building on previous episodes that center around the concepts of controls and constraints, MG revisits the idea that we are selling out our long-term goals for instant gratification.

There's nothing wrong with comfort; we all seek it, crave it and deserve it. But we need to do the hard stuff too.

How can you tell if you've become one yourself? MG suggests your results will speak for themselves. Is your health where you'd like it? How about your weight? Your work success? Are your goals being met?

Oscillation is key -- adding controls and constraints to our lives, mixed in with the comfort we seek, creates a healthy balance.

Remember, Habit works both ways: The stronger the comfort habit becomes, the more you threaten your true goals.

Nip it in the bud! Add controls and constraints. Do the hard stuff!

Tune in and get a "check up from the neck up" with MG.


**NEW** Ask MG YOUR toughest question WITHIN A REVIEW ON iTunes . . . Chances are very good that it'll be answered on a forthcoming episode!

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Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here: As a Man Thinketh

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The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)

The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)

Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)


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Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
If you’ve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element— habit!
That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!
There’s a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhD’s and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.
Learn The Habit Factor's method for goal achievement and how to use Habit Alignment Technology™ to achieve your most important goals faster than you ever thought possible!
Learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.com
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Martin Grunburg