Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
The Habit Factor® Origin Story

The Habit Factor® Origin Story

How THF came to be

This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.

“After our startup’s ‘failure’, with my tail between my legs, I took a trip to Puerto Escondido, Mexico to surf for nearly two weeks, reorient and clear my head. Out of that trip, I dove headfirst into personal development.”

The Epiphany

One day, in early 2003, while the iPod was in shuffle mode, it was riffling through various programs; Ed Foreman, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey and Anthony Robbins.

Even though I’d probably heard these tracks hundreds of times, something clicked. I noticed that all of them had a common theme; they were saying nearly the same thing, just in very different ways. Robbins was talking about “conditioning” and Foreman was talking about daily habits for success, while Dr. Stephen Covey was talking about seven habits.

I started talking to myself aloud, then began pacing in circles. “It’s not about morning habits or success habits or a list of habits. It’s far more basic! It’s about HABIT; the singular force of HABIT.”

Enjoy the show!


The link to the tracking sheet is here: https://thehabitfactor.com/templates



Enjoy the show!


From the world of statistics: All models are flawed, but some are useful.

We asked Google’s AI experiment Gemini to “break” the “3 Circles of Behavior Echo-System” behavior model.

The short story (no pun intended), is he/she/IT could not.

The best Gemini could offer: “What about people who aren’t aware of their unconscious stories/thinking?”

It’s a good question and a nice attempt. However, an unconscious story is still a story (represented within the model), and that is the point of the latest book, EVERYTHING is a F*cking STORY where the latest version of the model was revealed.

BTW: You are invited to try and “break” the “3 Circles of Behavior Echo-System” behavior model as well.

If you think you can, please email or leave comments here.

*Note: ChatGPT’s does not know the model yet, officially published in October of 2022. GPT’s latest update is from January 2022.

***Get the inspiring, free and world’s first HABITS to GOALS tracking template here: https://thehabitfactor.com/templates

The Three Circles of Behavior Echo-System” / The Grunburg Behavior Model is a holistic, fluid, and dynamic behavior-change model. It’s the very first behavior-change model to demonstrate how our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and even our environment vibrate (echo and reverberate) to influence each other.

Hence, it’s an “Echo-System” not an eco-system. All prior behavior models represent human behavior in a linear-flow type diagram.

Background here.

If you’d like to understand human behavior at an even deeper level, learn more about the “Three Circles of Behavior Echo-System” which is featured in the book, “EVERYTHING!

I teach and coach organizations and executives and executive coaches worldwide how to best apply and leverage “The Three Circles of Behavior Echo-System” and the P.A.R.R. [Plan, Act, Record & Reassess] scientifically-backed methodology for individual and organizational behavior design.

Check out the latest cohort offering; the waitlist is now open: The 28-Day Breakthrough!

*Recently Awarded: “Finalist: Self-help, Motivation”
International Book Awards:

Visit https://thehabitfactor.com/templates

To learn more about P.A.R.R., just Google “P.A.R.R. and The Habit Factor.”

Get The Habit Factor® FREE with your audible trial! https://audibletrial.com/habits2goals

Feedspot’s “Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

New listeners, grab your free habits 2 goals tracking template here: https://thehabitfactor.com/templates

FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here: As a Man Thinketh

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Habits 2 Goals Premium
Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast with Martin Grunburg
If you’ve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element— habit!
That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!
There’s a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhD’s and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.
Learn The Habit Factor's method for goal achievement and how to use Habit Alignment Technology™ to achieve your most important goals faster than you ever thought possible!
Learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.com
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Martin Grunburg